Sunday, December 5, 2010

Money and People

Money and People
                    Now ahead, in a generation of modern technology, money is the first thing comes in the mind of all people all over the world.. Human being do anything to have money, some of them done it in a right way but for some people who discrete to have money and to be rich in easiest and fastest way, they done it in a wrong way, which is very punishable by law.. Some of them betraying there friends for the sake of money and to be more richer than them.. The question are: Why do some people become selfish from each other when there's money involve?.. Instead of sharing the things and blessings they have, they just keep it just for their selves... Instead of they are the one who controlling money from their hand, money are the one controlling them.. How could this happened? Why do some people let money to control their lives? Why do people can't leave without money? Can we just go back to the generation that money is not yet discovered, have no value or meaning to the people.. In the time that people just barter their things from each other and no money involved from their everyday transactions...

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